Descriptif des activités de recherche
The current research activity focuses on studying transport properties in separators with applications in lithium-sulfur batteries. The main objective is to shed light on the different physics and microstructural properties that affect the diffusion of polysulphide species across such separators from a theoretical point of view. For this, transport equations are solved in the continuum by explicitly considering complex 3D structures for the separators.Parcours
PhD (CIC Energigune, Javier Carrasco, 2015-2019, First principles studies of Na based batteries)
Machine learning for optimal electrode wettability in lithium ion batteries
Amina El Malki, Mark Asch, Oier Arcelus, Abbos Shodiev, Jia Yu, Alejandro A. Franco
Journal of Power Sources Advances, 2023
Lithium ion battery electrode manufacturing model accounting for 3D realistic shapes of active material particles
Jiahui Xu, Alain C. Ngandjong, Chaoyue Liu, Franco M. Zanotto, Oier Arcelus, Arnaud Demortière, Alejandro A. Franco
Journal of Power Sources, 2023
Gaining Insight into the Electrochemical Interface Dynamics in an Organic Redox Flow Battery with a Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach
Jia Yu, Garima Shukla, Rocco Peter Fornari, Oier Arcelus, Abbos Shodiev, Piotr de Silva, Alejandro A. Franco
Small, 2022
Deconvoluting benefits of porosity distribution in layered electrodes on electrochemical performance of Li-ion batteries
Abbos Shodiev, Mehdi Chouchane, Miran Gaberscek, Oier Arcelus, Jiahui Xu, Hassan Oularbi, JiaYu, Jianlin Li, Mathieu Morcrette, Alejandro A.Franco
Energy Storage Materials, 2022
Perspectives on manufacturing simulations of Li-S battery cathodes
Oier Arcelus and Alejandro A. Franco
JPhys Energy, 2022