Descriptif des activités de recherche
The goal of ARTISTIC project is to develop a computational platform able to predict the link between the electrodes’ fabrication process and the electrochemical performance of the resulting lithium ion batteries. Each step of fabrication/processing (i.e. slurry preparation, slurry casting at the current collector, evaporation of the solvent, calendaring and electrolyte impregnation) will be modeled through a multiscale approach, which needs of parametrization/validation of the proposed models with experimental data obtained throughout the entire battery fabrication process. My task is to generate such collection of experimental output to refine the model and to propose new ways of making it more accurate based on several characterization techniques for both the slurries and electrodes.Parcours
- Post-doc fellow at Sustainable Energies Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics, National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
Theoretical and experimental studies for the development of new anodes and cathodes for lithium ion batteries.
- PhD in Chemical Sciences. Faculty of Chemical Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
Carbon nanotube- and graphene-modified electrodes. Characterization and development of electrochemical and plasmonic biosensors towards the detection of relevant bio-markers.
- Degree in Chemistry (equivalent to M. Sc.). Faculty of Chemical Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
Projets en cours
ARTISTIC Project: Advanced and Reusable Theory for the In Silico optimization of composite electrode fabrication processes for rechargeable battery Technologies with Innovative Chemistries
Calendering of Li(Ni0.33Mn0.33Co0.33)O2‐Based Cathodes: Analyzing the Link Between Process Parameters and Electrode Properties by Advanced Statistics
Dr. Emiliano N. Primo, Dr. Matthieu Touzin, Prof. Dr. Alejandro A. Franco
Batteries & Supercaps, 2021
Investigating electrode calendering and its impact on electrochemical performance by means of a new discrete element method model: Towards a digital twin of Li-Ion battery manufacturing
Alain C. Ngandjong, Teo Lombardo, Emiliano Primo, Mehdi Chouchane, Abbos Shodiev, Oier Arcelus, Alejandro A. Franco
Journal of Power Sources, 2021
What can text mining tell us about lithium‐ion battery researchers’ habits?
Hassna El-Bousiydy, Teo Lombardo, Emiliano N. Primo, Marc Duquesnoy, Mathieu Morcrette, Patrik Johansson, Patrice Simon, Alexis Grimaud, Alejandro A. Franco
Batteries & Supercaps, 2021
Understanding the calendering processability of Li(Ni0.33Mn0.33Co0.33)O2-based cathodes
Emiliano N. Primo, Mehdi Chouchane, Matthieu Touzin, Patricia Vazquez, Alejandro A. Franco
Journal of Power Sources, 2021
Data-driven assessment of electrode calendering process by combining experimental results, in silico mesostructures generation and machine learning
Marc Duquesnoy, Teo Lombardo, Mehdi Chouchane, Emiliano N. Primo, Alejandro A. Franco
Journal of Power Sources, 2020