Descriptif des activités de recherche
Development of thick binder-free electrodes by Spark Plasma Sintering for Li-ion batteriesParcours
Master of Science in Materials Science, Augsburg University (Augsburg, Germany) (2016-2018). Master’s Thesis Topic: “Synthesis, characterization and thermal decomposition study of Ln-urea chlorides” (Chair of Solid-State Chemistry, University of Augsburg, Germany).
Bachelor’s Thesis at IUT Blois, GREMAN Laboratory, University Francois-Rabelais de Tours (February-May 2016). Topic of the thesis: “Synthesis and characterization of Nb-doped SnO2 nanoparticles for potential thermoelectric ceramics application”.
Bachelor of Science with Honors in Materials Science and Technology of Materials, North-Caucasus Federal University (Stavropol, Russian Federation) (2012-2016).
Projets en cours
2018-2021, LRCS/CIRIMAT, RS2E
Operando X-ray diffraction in transmission geometry « at home » from tape casted electrodes to all-solid-state battery
Kriti Choudhary, Ilda Olivia Santos Mendoza, Arina Nadeina, Dennis Becker, Tristan Lombard, Vincent Seznec, Jean-Noël Chotard
Journal of Power Sources, 2023
Impact of electrode porosity architecture on electrochemical performances of 1 mm-thick LiFePO4 binder-free Li-ion electrodes fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering
Rakesh Elango, Arina Nadeina, François Cadiou, Vincent De Andrade, Arnaud Demortière, Mathieu Morcrette, Vincent Seznec
Journal of Power Sources, 2021
LiFePO4-ferri/ferrocyanide redox targeting aqueous posolyte: Set-up, efficiency and kinetics
Jose F. Vivo-Vilches, Arina Nadeina, Noura Rahbani, Vincent Seznec, Dominique Larcher, Emmanuel Baudrin
Journal of Power Sources, 2021
Impact of electrode porosity architecture on electrochemical performances of 1 mm-thick LiFePO4 binder-free Li-ion electrodes fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering
Rakesh Elango, Arina Nadeina, François Cadiou, Vincent De Andrade, Arnaud Demortière, Mathieu Morcrette, Vincent Seznec
Journal of Power Sources, 2021
Facile Synthesis of a Common Na‐Ion Battery Cathode Material Na3V2(PO4)2F3 by Spark Plasma Sintering
Arina Nadeina, Patrick Rozier, Vincent Seznec
Energy Technology, 2020