Main Research Activities
This PhD is supervised by Dr. Arnaud Demortiere, Prof Loic Dupont (LRCS, Amiens) and Prof. Martial Duchamp (NTU, Singapore). During this project we want to realize TEM Operando experiments to study in real time the interfacial phenomena related to Li-ion transport at atomic scale for different all solid states systems. The project involves the collaboration between two laboratories: LRSC experts in the fabrication of the all solid states batteries and operando measurements and NTU experts in the preparation of electron transparent lamella for the all-solid-state battery to realize qualitative in-situ and operando electrochemical measurements. TEM and STEM experiments will allow us to get information in real time about the crystalline structure (HR-TEM and SAED), the degree of oxidation using energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and chemical composition using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) during the cycling of the battery. At the end of the project, the aim is to prepare TEM lamella to perform simultaneously in-situ and operando electrochemical experiments cycling at different temperatures.Academic Training
MS- Material Engineering and Nanoscience, University of Strasbourg, France, 2018
-In-situ TEM Operando study of the copper mobility in Chemical Looping Combustion, Prof. Ovidiu Ersen, Dr. David Chiche, Dr. Arnold Lambert.
-Direct in-situ TEM observation of the nucleation and growth of the iron oxide nanoparticles in liquid medium environment, Prof. Ovidiu Ersen and Prof. Sylvie Begin
B.Eng- Material Science and Engineering – University Polytehnic of Bucharest, Romania & École européenne de chimie, polymères et matériaux, 2016
- Synthesis and controlling anisotropic assemblies of iron oxide nanoparticles onto surfaces, Prof. Sorin Ciuca (UPB) and Prof. Benoit Pichon
Professional skills
Running Projects
In Situ Liquid Electrochemical TEM Investigation of LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 Thin Film Cathode for Micro-Battery Applications
Ankush Bhatia, Sorina Cretu, Maxime Hallot, Nicolas Folastre, Maxime Berthe, David Troadec, Pascal Roussel, Jean-Pierre Pereira-Ramos, Rita Baddour-Hadjean, Christophe Lethien, Arnaud Demortière
Small Methods, 2022
Structural details in Li3PS4: variety in thiophosphate building blocks and correlation to ion transport
Ömer Ulaş Kudu, Theodosios Famprikis, Sorina Cretu, Benjamin Porcheron, Elodie Salager, Arnaud Demortiere, Matthieu Courty, Virginie Viallet,Thierry Le Mercier, Benoit Fleutot, Marc-David Braida, Christian Masquelier
Energy Storage Materials, 2022
Under Pressure: Mechanochemical Effects on Structure and Ion Conduction in the Sodium-Ion Solid Electrolyte Na3PS4
Theodosios Famprikis, Ö. Ulaş Kudu, James A. Dawson, Pieremanuele Canepa, Francois Fauth, ̧ Emmanuelle Suard, Mohamed Zbiri, Damien Dambournet, Olaf J. Borkiewicz, Houssny Bouyanfif, Steffen P. Emge, Sorina Cretu, Jean-Noel Chotard, Clare P. Grey, Wolfgang G. Zeier, M. Saiful Islam, Christian Masquelier
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
X-ray Nanocomputed Tomography in Zernike Phase Contrast for Studying 3D Morphology of Li–O2 Battery Electrode
Zeliang Su, Vincent De Andrade, Sorina Cretu, Yinghui Yin, Michael J. Wojcik, Alejandro A. Franco, and Arnaud Demortière
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020
Oxidative decomposition products of synthetic NaFePO4 marićite: nano-textural and electrochemical characterization
Fabrice Brunet; Camille Crouzet; Sorina Cretu; Rénald David; Matthieu Courty; Arnaud Demortière; Nadir Recham
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019