courbe en fond

Students and postdocs

Rashen Lou Omongos

Rashen Lou

  • PhD

Tél. : 0322825341

Main Research Activities

This project is a collaboration between AC2T research GmbH, the Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (joint research unit be-tween CNRS & Université de Picardie Jules Verne) and the R&D Advanced Technologies Division of Toyota Motor Europe. The goal of this research is to develop a physics-based model of the membrane electrode assembly resulting from the manufacturing process of the proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). Our aim is simulate, numerically, the impact of the assembly conditions on the mesostructural and operational properties of the functional layers, namely electrode, microporous layer (MPL), and gas diffusion layer (GDL).

Academic Training

·         Master (University of Trieste, 2023)

Professional skills

Ab initio, DFT, Gaussian, Amsterdam Density Functional, ORCA, LAMMPS, Geodict

Running Projects

Physics-Based Modelling of the Membrane Electrode Assembly / 36 months / Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks project ‘BLESSED’

Machine learning-driven optimization of gas diffusion layer microstructure for PEM fuel cells

Rashen Lou Omongos, Diego E. Galvez-Aranda, Franco M. Zanotto, András Vernes, Alejandro A. Franco

Journal of Power Sources, 2025

Machine Learning-Driven Optimization of Gas Diffusion Layer Microstructure for PEM Fuel Cells

Rashen Lou Omongos ,Diego Galvez-Aranda ,Franco Zanotto, Alejandro A. Franco

ChemRxiv, 2024

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