Academic Training
Réactivité électrochimique des hydrures métalliques vis à vis du lithium: électrodes négatives pour batteries Li-Ion; stockage de l'hydrogène.
Thèse de Doctorat, Amiens, Avril 2009
Directeurs de thèse: L. Aymard (MCF), A. Rougier (DR)
Bottom-up preparation of MgH2 nanoparticles with enhanced cycle life stability during electrochemical conversion in Li-ion batteries
Y. Oumellal, C. Zlotea, S. Bastide, C. Cachet-Vivier, E. Léonel, S. Sengmany, E. Leroy, L. Aymard, JP. Bonnet, M. Latroche
Nanoscale, 2014
Electrochemical reactivity of magnesium hydride toward lithium: New synthesis route of nano-particles suitable for hydrogen storage
Y. Oumellal, M. Courty, A. Rougier, GA. Nazri, L. Aymard
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014
Lithium storage in amorphous TiNi hydride: Electrode for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
M. Bououdina, Y. Oumellal, L. Dupont, L. Aymard, H. Al-Gharni, A. Al-Hajry, TA. Maark, A. De Sarkar, R. Ahuja, MD. Deshpande, Z. Qian, AB. Rahane
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013
Reactivity of TiH2 hydride with lithium ion: Evidence for a new conversion mechanism
Y. Oumellal, W. Zaidi, JP. Bonnet, F. Cuevas F, M. Latroche, J. Zhang, J-L. Bobet, A. Rougier, L. Aymard
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012
Crystal structures of new silver ion conductors Ag7Fe3(X2O7)4 (X = P, As)
Eric Quarez, Olivier Mentré, Yassine Oumellal, Christian Masquelier
New Journal of Chemistry, 2009