courbe en fond

Former staff and alumni

Stéphanie Bruyère


  • Enseignant-chercheur
  • Université de Lorraine
  • Institut Jean Lamour
  • Département Chimie et Physique des Solides et des Surfaces (CP2S)

Tél. : 03 83 58 42 44

Academic Training

Postdoc au LRCS 2010-2011

SiO2/Ionic Liquid Hybrid Nanoparticles for Solid-State Lithium Ion Conduction

S. Delacroix, F. Sauvage, M. Reynaud, M. Deschamps, S. Bruyère, M. Becuwe, D. Postel, JM. Tarascon, A. Nguyen Van Nhien

Chemistry of Materials, 2015

Electrodeposition of TiO2 Using Ionic Liquids

S. Patra, S. Bruyère, P-L. Taberna, F. Sauvage

ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 2014

Preparation, Structure and Electrochemistry of LiFeBO3: a Cathode Material for Li-ion Battery

L. Tao, G. Rousse, JN. Chotard, L. Dupont, S. Bruyère, D. Hanzel, G. Mali, R. Dominko, S. Levasseur, C. Masquelier

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014

Room-Temperature Synthesis of High Surface Area Anatase TiO2 Exhibiting a Complete Lithium Insertion Solid Solution

P. Snehangshu, C. Davoisne, S. Bruyere, H. Bouyanfif, S. Cassaignon, PL. Taberna, F. Sauvage

Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2013

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