- IR
- Solvay
Academic Training
Synthèses et caractérisations de phosphates Lix(M,M')PO4 (M, M' = Fe, Mn) pour accumulateurs à ions lithium.
Thèse de Doctorat, Amiens, Octobre 2010
Directeur de thèse : Ch. Masquelier (Pr.)
Heterogeneous behaviour of the lithium battery composite electrode LiFePO4
G. Ouvrard, M. Zerrouki, P. Soudan, B. Lestriez, C. Masquelier, M. Morcrette, S. Hamelet, S. Belin, AM. Flank, F. Baudelet
Journal of Power Sources, 2013
Nonstochiometry in LiFe0.5Mn0.5PO4: Structural and Electrochemical Properties
R. Amisse, S. Hamelet, D. Hanzel, M. Courty, R. Dominko, C. Masquelier
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2013
Silicon-Based Non Aqueous Anolyte for Li Redox-Flow Batteries
S. Hamelet, D. Larcher, L. Dupont, J-M. Tarascon
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2013
Non-Aqueous Li-Based Redox Flow Batteries
S. Hamelet, T. Tzedakis, J-B. Leriche, S. Sailler, D. Larcher, P-L. Taberna, P. Simon, J-M. Tarascon
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2012
Electrochemical Kinetic Study of LiFePO4 Using Cavity Microelectrode
J. Come, P-L. Taberna, S. Hamelet, C. Masquelier, P. Simon
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2011