courbe en fond

Former staff and alumni

Main Research Activities

My work is  the modeling and characterization of the “formation” step (linked to the SEI growth) of the LIB manufacturing process. This is an important and time-consuming step in the LIB manufacturing, and my work will be crucial to advance at its understanding and proposing solutions for speeding up this step. Using 3D-resolved kinetic Monte Carlo to simulate SEI growth within complex 3D computer-generated and tomography morphologies of the electrodes, then incorporating them in a performance model to analyze its impact.

Academic Training

  • Master (Carnegie Mellon University, 2017-2019, Supervisor: Jay Whitacre, Subject: Materials Science, Thesis: Microwave Synthesized TiP2O7 assisted By Carbon-Coating As Anode Material for Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries)
  • Bachelor (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2013-2017, Supervisor: Yunhui Huang, Subject: Materials Science and Engineering, Thesis: Formation of Defects in Discharge Products at the Cathode of Li-O2 Battery)

Professional skills

XRD, SEM, TEM, TGA, Electrochemical tests, Microwave Synthesis, Modeling of electrochemical systems

Running Projects

ARTISTIC, 2018-2023, ERC