Main Research Activities
The aim of ARTISTIC project, lead by Prof A. A. Franco, is to develop a novel theoretical framework devoted to rationalizing the formulation of composite electrodes for lithium ion batteries. My tasks in this project is to implement Lattice Boltzmann models to simulate and optimize the electrolyte impregnation in porous electrodes, combined with machine leaning algorithms to optimize the force fields being used in Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics simulations of the electrode fabrication processes.Academic Training
- Vaasa Energy Business Innovation Centre (Vaasa, Finland, 2018)
Project Researcher: Development of Metal-Air batteries
- Master Erasmus Mundus : Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (2015-2017)
S1: Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)
S2: Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw, Poland)
S3: Universidad de Córdoba (Cordoba, Spain)
S4: Robert Bosch (Stuttgart, Germany). Development of Hybrid supercapacitors for EV
Professional skills
Running Projects
ARTISTIC (Advanced and Reusable Theory for the In Silico optimization of composite electrode fabrication processes for rechargeable battery Technology with Innovative Chemistries) /2018-2023/ ERC Consolidator Grant
Machine learning for optimal electrode wettability in lithium ion batteries
Amina El Malki, Mark Asch, Oier Arcelus, Abbos Shodiev, Jia Yu, Alejandro A. Franco
Journal of Power Sources Advances, 2023
Coupling of multiscale imaging analysis and computational modeling for understanding thick cathode degradation mechanisms
Minghao Zhang, Mehdi Chouchane, S. Ali Shojaee, Bartlomiej Winiarski, Zhao Liu, Letian Li, Rengarajan Pelapur, Abbos Shodiev, Weiliang Yao, Jean-Marie Doux, Shen Wang, Yixuan Li, Chaoyue Liu, Herman Lemmens, Alejandro A. Franco, Ying Shirley Meng
Joule, 2023
Gaining Insight into the Electrochemical Interface Dynamics in an Organic Redox Flow Battery with a Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach
Jia Yu, Garima Shukla, Rocco Peter Fornari, Oier Arcelus, Abbos Shodiev, Piotr de Silva, Alejandro A. Franco
Small, 2022
Designing Electrode Architectures to Facilitate Electrolyte Infiltration for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Abbos Shodiev, Franco M. Zanotto, Jia Yu, Mehdi Chouchane, Jianlin Li, Alejandro A. Franco
Energy Storage Materials, 2022
Deconvoluting benefits of porosity distribution in layered electrodes on electrochemical performance of Li-ion batteries
Abbos Shodiev, Mehdi Chouchane, Miran Gaberscek, Oier Arcelus, Jiahui Xu, Hassan Oularbi, JiaYu, Jianlin Li, Mathieu Morcrette, Alejandro A.Franco
Energy Storage Materials, 2022