Electrochemistry and optimization of energy storage devices

Coordinator: Dr. M. Morcrette
Involved staff :
P. Antitomaso, E. Baudrin, J-P. Bonnet, C. Delacourt, A. Demortière, L. Dupont, A. Franco, G. Gachot, S. Grugeon, D. Huo, S. Laruelle, C. Masquelier, M. Morcrette, V. Seznec, C. Surcin, V. Viallet
This research area activities are quite diverse, ranging from the design and manufacture of electrodes of conventional or innovative batteries (composite porous electrodes for Li or Na batteries, sintered thick electrodes, electrodes for all solid batteries, etc...) to the implementation or assembly of complete prototype cells based on these electrodes (18650 cells, all solid cells sintered with the SPS method, etc...).
Within this theme, fine characterization methods are also implemented in order to study some aspects of commercial cells or prototypes, such as their safety, especially thanks to a partnership with INERIS.
Research activities include:
- The all-solid systems
- Silicon for negative electrodes of Li-ion batteries
- Batteries safety
- Electrodes formulation/ pre-transfer prototyping unit