Thursday January 26th at 2 p.m. in the HUB amphitheter, Sorina Cretu will defend her PhD thesis during a talk entitled : "Study of all-solid-state Li-ion batteries based on LAGP electrolyte using multiscale imaging techniques".
The jury will be composed as follows:
Reviewers :
Montserrat Casas-Cabanas (CICEnergigune, Spain)
Claire Villevieille (Grenoble-INP, France)
Examiners :
Matthew McDowell (Georgia Tech, USA)
Muriel Veron (Grenoble-INP Phelma, France)
Christian Masquelier (UPJV, LRCS France)
Supervisors :
Loic Dupont (UPJV, LRCS France)
Martial Duchamp (NTU, Singapore)
Arnaud Demortière (CNRS, LRCS/RS2E France)