Wednesday 14th December at 09h00 in the HUB amphitheater, Neelam Yadav will defend her PhD Thesis during a talk entitled : "Development of in situ/operando SEM and its application to study the interfacial challenges associated with Li metal based Solid state batteries”.
The jury will be composed as follows:
Mme Claire VILLEVIEILLE, (LEPMI-University of Grenoble)
Mme Christel LABERTY-ROBERT, (Sorbonne Université)
Examiners :
M. Sylvain FRANGER, (Université Paris Saclay)
M. Romain DUGAS, (College de France-Paris)
M. Matheiu MORCRETTE, LRCS-(Directeur de thèse)
Mme Carine DAVOISNE, LRCS-(Co-directeur de thèse)