Julie Ruellou PhD Defence
On Tuesday 19th of November 2024 at 2pm in the HUB Amphitheater, Julie Ruellou will defend her thesis during a talk entitled : "Time-resolved and in situ characterisation techniques for analysing structural dynamics and degradation mechanisms in hybrid lead halide perovskites".
Her jury member will be:
Monica LIRA-CANTU, Full Professor (Université Autonome de Barcelone, ICN2, Spain)
Michael SALIBA, Full Professor (Université de Stuttgart, IPV, Germany)
Dounya BARRIT, Research Engineer (Total Energies)
Marco CAMMARATA, Chargé de recherches CNRS (Université de Rennes 1, ESRF)
Jean-Noël CHOTARD, Maître de Conférences HDR (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, LRCS)
Frédéric SAUVAGE, Directeur de recherche CNRS