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News - Seminars


2017/11/22 Séminaires

Invited Seminar Professor Ivan Kondov

Wednesday November 22nd at 11a.m. in HUB theater, Professor Ivan Kondov will give a seminar entitled : "Upscaling approaches for simulation in materials science".

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2017/10/12 Actualités

Alae Eddine Lakraychi PhD Thesis Defense

Thursday the 12th of October at 1:30 p.m. in the HUB theater, Alae Eddine Lakraychi will defend his PhD Thesis in a talk entitled : "Conception d'une batterie tout-organique avec une tension de sortie supérieure à 2 V".

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2017/09/18 Actualités

Yue Deng Winner of the fifth PANalytical Award

The PANalytical Award 2016 has been won by Dr. Yue Deng, former PhD student of the University of Bath (UK) and the University of Picardie (LRCS, Amiens, France). The prize is based on a research article published in Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2015) 137, 9136-9145, titled: 'Structural and Mechanistic Insights...

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2017/09/14 Séminaires

Invited Seminar Dr Pieremanuele Canepa

Thursday September 14th at 11am, we will welcome Dr. Pieremanuele Canepa who will give a seminar entitled « Overcoming limitations of Li-ion batteries with multivalent cathode materials ». The seminar will take place in the hub theater.

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2017/07/18 Séminaires

Invited Seminar Prof. Martin Bazant (MIT)

 Tuesday July 18th at 11am in the HUB theater Prof. Martin Bazant (MIT) will give a seminar entitled : "Control of Phase Transformations in Rechargeable Batteries".

Control of Phase Transformations in Rechargeable Batteries

Martin Z. Bazant
E. G. Roos (1944) Professor of Chemical Engineering and Mathematics
Executive Officer,...

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