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News - Seminars


2019/02/26 Actualités

PhD defense Thibaut Chartrel

Wednesday february 27, in the HUB amphitheatre, Thibaut Chartrel will defend his PhD Thesis during a talk entitled : "Optimisation de liants polymères pour électrodes négatives à base de silicium d'accumulateurs Li-ion".

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2019/02/19 Actualités

Soutenance de Thèse Gaspard Bouteau

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2019/02/19 Séminaires

Seminar Pr. Elio Giamello

Tuesday February 19, at 10 a.m. in the HUB amphitheatre, Pr. Elio Giamello (University of Torino, Italy) will give a seminar entitled : "Electron Magnetic Resonance in chemistry and photochemistry of bare and modified metal oxides".

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2019/01/23 Séminaires

Seminar Pr. Peter Notten

Wednesday January 23, at 11 a.m. in the HUB amphitheatre,  Pr. Peter Notten (Eindhoven University of Technology) will give a seminar entitled: "Electrochemical Energy Storage : from materials research to battery modelling".

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2019/01/22 Actualités

Caroline Gaya PhD defense

Tuesday January 22, at 2 p.m. in the HUB amphitheatre, Caroline Gaya will defend her PhD thesis.

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