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News - Seminars


2019/01/14 Actualités

Série de Reportages France3 sur le HUB

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2019/01/11 Séminaires

Dr. Stefania Cacovich

On Friday January 11, at 11.00 a.m., Dr. Stefania Cacovich (Institut photovoltaïque d’Ile de France, Palaiseau) will give a seminar in the Hub amphitheatre.
Her talk will be: « Electron Microscopy Studies of Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells».

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2018/12/06 Séminaires

Dr. Claude Delmas seminar

Thursday December 6, in the HUB amphitheatre, Dr. Claude Delmas (Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux) will give a talk entitled : "Layered Oxides as Positive electrode  materials for Na-ion Batteries".

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2018/11/26 Actualités

Master MESC+

Since November 26th, 2018, and until March 10th, 2019, our newly accreditated ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT MASTER DEGREE MESC+ (Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion) welcomes applications for 2-years ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarships           more informations here

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2018/11/23 Actualités

Mariem Maiza Thesis Defence

Friday November 23th at 2 p.m. in the HUB amphitheater, Mariem Maiza will defend her thesis during a talk entitled: "Evaluating the impact of transport with inertia on the electrochemical response of lithium ion battery electrodes".

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