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PhD Position LRCS Amiens

Updated : 2025.02.26

All-solid state sodium battery: fabrication, optimization and characterization

Supervisor: Vincent SEZNEC

Description of the thesis topic

Na-based All Solid-State Batteries (Na-ASSBs) using NaSICON-type solid electrolyte such as Na3+xZr2Si2+xP1-xO12 are of great interest as: i) the use of sodium metal as anode and different cathode materials to build a full Na-ASSB battery cell is possible2, ii) the conductivity of NaSICON solid electrolyte is in the range of 3-5.10-3 S/cm at room temperature3,4. iii) NaSICON based Na-ASSB has started to deliver reasonable performances. 5 Thanks to these very good properties of NaSICON materials, we intend to achieve two main objectives:• Fabrication of an efficient Na-ASSB working @ RT with or without Na metal (anode free-concept)• Use of Na-ASSB as a tool to study charge - discharge mechanisms as function of temperature

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Research Engineer LRCS, Amiens

Updated : 2025.02.25

Materials Science/Caracterization - CPER Manifest project

You will be responsible for designing and developing methods and techniques for the structural, physico-chemical or electrochemical characterization of materials, in collaboration with LRCS laboratory researchers, and for managing the CPER MANIFEST project.

The CPER “MANIFEST” project aims to strengthen upstream research excellence in the field of energy storage. It covers energy storage, conversion, management, integration and safety. The project aims to structure research on the A2U site by bringing together 9 research laboratories. It is led by the Laboratoire de Réactivité et de Chimie des Solides (LRCS UMR 7314), a specialist in energy storage and conversion.

The objectives of the MANIFEST project are to  

- propose efficient, sustainable energy storage and conversion technologies;

- increase the energy performance of these storage and conversion systems (ability to store more energy, for longer, with reduced losses, conversion efficiency, etc.);

- minimize the environmental impact of the technologies used (by reducing - or even doing away with - critical components, the quantities of materials required, the volumes and surface areas mobilized, by promoting recycling, etc.);

- optimize the business model associated with each technology, and thereby promote their democratization and market take-up (limiting investment costs, achieving maturity to facilitate process industrialization, competitive operating costs, etc.).You'll find out more in the job description below.


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PhD Position LRCS, Amiens

Updated : 2025.01.31

New electroactive transition metal complexes for aqueous organic flow batteries

Encadrant: Emmanuel BAUDRIN

Description du sujet de thèse

The development of renewable energies makes stationary energy storage a necessity. Although widely developed for small equipment and mobility, Li-Ion or Na-ion batteries are not necessarily the most suitable for this type of application, for reasons of cost, safety and recyclability. One of the most promising avenues is the development of flow batteries, in which energy is stored in electrolytes stored outside the electrochemical cell. This makes it possible to decorrelate the power and capacity of the electrochemical system. Classically, electroactive species are dissolved in aqueous or non-aqueous media, the most highly developed being vanadium flow redox (VRFB) systems. Recently, the use of electroactive organic molecules in aqueous electrolytes has revitalized these systems. Although much progress has been made, potentially interesting molecules for posolytes remain scarce and some improvements can be made for negolytes. The aim of the proposed thesis is to develop, prepare and characterize new aqueous-soluble transition metal complexes that could be used to form electrolytes for redox flow batteries. The study will involve (1) selecting and/or modifying ligands for transition metal complexation 2) study complex formation and electrochemical properties (3) assess solubility and stability in aqueous electrolytes (4) test in complete batteries.

Please only apply via the CNRS Job Portal with the below link.
For more information, you can contact the supervisor



Research Engineer LRCS, Amiens

Updated : 2025.01.24

Development of Deep Learning tools for degradation detection in batteries

Your mission will be to develop Degradation Prediction software bricks, in the form of a set of pre-trained AI algorithms (time-series/Diffusion) for detecting the appearance of anomalies associated with battery ageing and connecting them to existing algorithms for predicting the evolution of the state of health.

Applications may be sent exclusively via the CNRS portal, by clicking on the link below